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CERPEN                Dia (nama samaran) adalah sosok remaja berusia 17 tahun yang berasal dari keluarga sangat miskin. Usai lulus dari SMA, Dea tidak lagi mampu melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang perguruan tinggi. Jangankan untuk masuk perguruan tinggi, lulusa SMA saja sebenarnya sudah disukurinya lantaran kondisi ekonomi keluarganya yang jauh dari kata kecukupan. Dia juga bukan anak yang tergolong cerdas. Nilai Dia sewaktu di SMA juga tergolong biasa-biasa saja.              Pada suatu hari Dia bertemu dengan seseorang. Orang yang ditemua Dia ternyata adalah seorang dosen disebuah kampus swasta. Dia pun ngobrol selama 30 meni dengan dosen tersebut. Dosen itu sangat baik hati dan mau berbagi tentang banyak hal dengan Dia. K eesokan harinya Dia itu bertemu lagi dengan Dosen itu. Tanpa disengaja, dosen itu melihat Dia sedang berjalan lantas memanggilnya. Dosen itu pun mentraktir Dia segelas susu dan membicarakan tentang banyak hal terkait dunia pendidikan. Dosen itu memberi


       Masa remaja adalah masa transisi ketika anak mulai menjadi dewasa. Masa itu juga dianggap masa yang paling indah. Mengapa indah? Karena pada masa itu biasanya anak mulai mengenal lebih dekat lawan jenisnya. Bisa jadi muncul cinta pertama. Deg-degan, berjuta rasa, bercampur aduk. Ingatan itu akan membekas hingga dewasa. Walaupun, sedikit norak tapi ada kelucuan di sana. Namun kadangkala masa remaja bisa juga menjadi rawan. Psikolog masalah remaja Roslina Verauli mengatakan, masa remaja dulu dan sekarang sudah mengalami perubahan alias beda. Sehingga orangtua harus mau berubah untuk menyikapi perubahan itu. Jika gagal, akan ada kerentanan yang besar antara orangtua dan anak, yang menyebabkan terhalangnya komunikasi dan kedekatan. Terlebih kondisi orangtua dulu dan sekarang juga mengalami perubahan  misalnya, ayah dan Ibu yang kini bekerja hingga malam, yang seringkali pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan lelah. Untuk menyingkapi kondisi itu, o

The Place You Must Visit

BENANG KELAMBU  WATERFALL    Today, I want to describe a place at Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. a few month ago, my family and I visited Lombok. Lombok has a lot of a nice view, such as a mountain, a beach, and a lot of waterfall. So, I want to explain about the amazing waterfall I ever visited. It's called "Benang Kelambu". It is situated about 32 km from Mataram or about 1 hour with vehicle. From Mataram, you should go to Narmada City, Sedau, then you should head to east until you find Pancor Dau intersection. Turn to northeast until you find Teratak market intersection and go to the north. Make sure to ask the local people if you feel clueless because there is only one sign to reach the waterfall, or for your safety, you can ask a travel guide to guide you there.     You only need to pay about IDR 5,000 to enter the Benang Kelambu Waterfall location. On the gate, you will be welcomed with plants and peaceful atmosphere. The road is paved, so it is

Derawan Island

How important is tourism for Indonesia? Whenever the topic of tourism in Indonesia is touched upon, most people will instantly think of Bali. This small but famous island harbors all sorts of entertainment that will appeal to various segments of international tourism: beautiful landscapes, Balinese Hinduism, lively nightclubs, beaches and more. But apart from Bali  and despite the fact that Indonesia has much to offer on other islands. The country has disappointed in attracting a large amount of foreign tourists so far. Tourism in Indonesia is an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of foreign exchange revenues. With a vast archipelago of more than 17.000 islands, the second longest shoreline in the world, 300 different ethnic groups and 250 distinct languages, and tropical climate throughout the year, nature and culture are two major components of Indonesian tourism.  Here its the another potential for tourism in Indonesia.

My destination....

LOMBOK ISLAND                         Hello, my name Baiq Anisah. I want to tell about the place which I want to visit. My destinastion is Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. I want visit that place because it’s has a beautiful scenery and a traditional culture. For Example, it has a mountain view, a beach view, a rice fields view and etc. My budget to visit Lombok is about 4 million exclude home stay, because in there I have a lot of a family so I don’t need to rent a home stay. And for go around Lombok, I dont need to rent a car to explore Lombok. I have a lot of family and a car of course so when I call them, they will accompany me. When visit Lombok, for weeks is not enough. there must a place forget to visit. My first day I want visit is a Pink Beach. It need 2 hours to arrives that place. I want snorking at a Pink Beach, it spend 250.000 to go around a Pink Beach. A Pink Beach has a two island, there are Gili Temanggu, and Pink Beach 2. After that I want visit a mountain view. I

Tugas penulisan bahasa iklan 4 (cosmetic commercial)
